Juice Cleanse: Day 5

This is exactly how I feel about my juice cleanse!

I meant to start Jan 2. But because of an unfortunate mishap, I suffered 2nd degree burns on my lap (spilled a hot bowl of water) and started later than I intended. It would have been easy to just say forget it, but I knew this is something I wanted to do as I was/am in bad need of detox and a body reset. In addition, I wanted to know what foods were causing me to breakout (diary!) and other things. On top of that I had just been tired of eating, tired of chewing I really didn't have a taste for anything so it really was a perfect time to get the party...cleansing...started.

So, I'm sure I could have had a much more defined plan. I'm sure I could have purchased the juicer in advance and did all these other things. But, really that was just a delay tactic. I just got started with the juices and veggies we had on hand and my blender (used a strainer to strain out some of the fibers). I purchased a juicer via Amazon, and it came in 3 days instead of the 9 they said it would.

Long story, short I'm glad I started even if I wasn't 100 percent perfectly prepped in advance.

This is Day 5 of my juice cleanse. This morning I had a pineapple, orange, spinach and ginger juice, about 12 ounces. It was pretty good. Next time, I'll cut back on the pineapple because it was quite sweet...even for me!

Also today is the first day I'll be cooking for the family...wish me luck in resisting the urge to taste! Last week  couldn't really even be around food that was cooking. I had to go upstairs, I really couldn't stand it, it smelled so good and was so tempting.  Last night my gf made fried chicken, her fried chicken is so delicious. It smelled good and looked good, but I didn't feel like I was going to loose it and scarf down 5 pieces. I drank my juice and my water and had some ginger tea before bed, that was that.

I must say this past  5 days has almost felt like 50 days, lol...but hopefully that will get better as I ease into this and it becomes easier for me to do.

I was shocked at the amount of energy I had this morning. I almost jumped out of bed. My knees, which have been "bad" since HS feel so much better. I feel like I won't make any definitive calls on how I feel/look until about halfway through the cleanse...just to be sure it's not all in my head!

So here I am on day 5, with 25 more days to go. OMG...that seems like a lot. I'll post updates here, possibly every other day or so.

I'm ff to drink some fruit infused water!


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