Juice Cleanse Day 9

I'm 9 days into my 30 day juice cleanse. I'm shocked at my willpower to not devour delicious foods that I cook for my family.  Although, the detox symptoms are hard such as my face breaking out even more and having a cold symptoms along with a sore throat and other things I won't gross you out with I am hoping that when I get to day 30 I'll look back and say it was worth it.

As I sit here drinking my lunch, which consists of spinach, apples, lemon and lime I am in awe of the body's amazing ability to heal and repair itself. Something which I feel is taken for granted. Also, because of poor diet, has been hindered to do its job fully.

Yesterday was hard, I can't say I had a cold, but I can say I had runny and stuffy nose, watery eyes, sore throat and all the "goodies" that come with it. I felt a sore throat coming the day before yesterday and I had watery eyes and a runny nose, but yesterday it all hit me like a ton of bricks. I was well enough to function normally, but definitely felt the cold. But today I am much much better. The fact that I've never had a 2 day cold (symptoms usually stick around for at least five days) makes me think it was also part of my body detoxing. The next sentence is gross, so read at your own discretion: I coughed up some nasty mucus and part of the cleanse is a detox in which the expelling of mucus is very common. I'd rather out than in, so I'm happy for it, even though its nasty!

Imagine having all this crap just sitting inside your body with no where to go and wrecking havoc on your insides! No wonder people are sick and tired all the time.  Even though I'll be over the moon for clear skin which I hope this cleanse will bring, I am thankful for all the other things happening inside my body that is good.

Next thing is to work on upping my water intake, though I can't imagine how to do that since I seem to always be drinking it! Also towards the end of next week, I'll start incorporating berries. I can't use the juicer for berries, so I'll use the blender and strain out any large chunks and fibers.  I purchased a pomegranate and kiwi, I am looking forward to trying those next week as well.

Well, I'm off to go finish my lunch! Looking forward to sharing more stories of my juicing adventure next week!


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